
Rod Polkinghorne is a champion of meat science and eating quality systems that deliver brand-based businesses focused on consumer value. His commitment and passion for the industry has been recognized and awarded and he is in demand to speak at leading conferences and workshops around the globe.
Melbourne University Lecture (2017) – Consumer Sensory Testing. Sustainable meat markets, cross border trade and eating quality
UNECE conference, Dublin, Ireland (2017) – Introducing the global eating quality DataBANK; and The Potential for a collaborative Eating quality prediction Model.
Sustainable Beef Quality for Europe - II. A workshop for Industry and Scientists. (2017), Milan, Italy – Value based trading – driving a sustainable beef industry
Brussels Workshop (2017). Putting the consumer first. (Presentation to Government and Industry).
Warsaw – Polish Ministry of Agriculture (2017) – A Value Based Supply Chain.
Occasional Address (2016) – Murdoch University graduation ceremony. Perth
Meat 2016: Updates, trends and new developments. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Specialised Section on Standardization of Meat (2016), Geneva – Trends in Standards - Eating Quality
IUFOST 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology (2016), Dublin – Putting the consumer first
Malang, Indonesia (2016): Industry Seminar – Producing High Quality Beef
China Agricultural University, Beijing (2016) – Lecture on Eating Quality Systems and Sensory Testing
Melbourne University (2015) – Consumer Sensory Testing.
ProOptiBeef Conference (2015), Warsaw, Poland – Increasing Beef Consumption through Improving Quality.
Beef Australia (2015), Rockhampton – Consumer Sensory Testing – The Consumer Speaking To the Beef Industry.
Melbourne University Lecture (2015) – Consumer Sensory Testing
ProOptiBeef Conference (2015), Warsaw, Poland – Increasing Beef Consumption through Improving Quality.
Beef Australia (2015), Rockhampton – Consumer Sensory Testing – The Consumer Speaking To the Beef Industry.
Sustainable Beef Quality for Europe. A workshop for Industry and Scientists. (2015), Milan, Italy – MSA. Describing Beef in Consumer Terms.
International Meeting on Beef and lamb Carcase Grading to Underpin Consumer Satisfaction (2015), Paris – How consumer sensory testing can drive change to the global beef category. International Beef Eating Quality Language in conjunction with Jerzy Wierzbicki.
Kansas State University and Texas A&M University (2015) – Presentation on Meat Standards Australia outcomes and Extension to Value Based Marketing to drive a dynamic Beef Industry.
Meat the Challenge. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Specialised Section on Standardization of Meat (2014), Geneva - Consumer Research on Beef Eating Quality - Introduction and Overview.
ProOptiBeef Conference (2014), Warsaw, Poland – Where Science and Practice Meet.
MSA Sensory Testing (2014), University of New England.
Long Distance Transport Webinar (2013) – Long Distance Transport Trial. The impact on live animal, carcase, metabolic and eating quality traits. In conjunction with Judy Philpott and John Thompson.
INRA (2012), Clermont Ferrand, France – French Beef and Consumers; Initial results, observations and possibilities.
Industry presentations to Northern Ireland beef industry forums (2012) – invited workshops by Northern Irish Government.
ProOptiBeef Conference (2011), Warsaw, Poland –The future of beef grading from a global perspective. In conjunction with Prof David Pethick and Prof John Thompson.
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (2010), Jeju, South Korea – Meat Standards and Grading, A World View with Dr John Thompson.
Presentation to Hokkaido Beef industry and Science Representatives (2010) – Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
ALFA BeefWorks Conference (2009) – MSA. Where from and Where to?
Reciprocal Meat Conference (2009) Brookings, South Dakota – Targeting the consumer demand for beef in Australia, Japan, Korea, Ireland and the USA.
Pretoria University (2008) – Consumer Assessment of Beef.
Australian Shorthorn Society Seminars (2007), Guaranteed eating Quality – Making it Work.
King Island Beef Group (2007) – Guaranteeing Eating Quality; Making it Work.
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (2006), Dublin – Implementing a PACCP approach to satisfy consumer demands.
United States Department of Agriculture (2006), Washington DC – USA Consumer trial and MSA presentations.
14th World Hereford Conference (2006), Armidale – Guaranteeing Eating Quality. No ifs, No buts.
Australian Wagyu Conference (2006) – Eating Quality of Wagyu Beef.
Congreso Ganades and Carnes (2004), Buenos Aires, Argentina – Carcase Typification Systems.
Southern Beef School (2004), Glenormiston Agricultural College – MSA. What it is: What it could be!
Queens University (2003), Belfast – Meat Standards Australia Presentation.