We bring together specialist expertise to design, customize and integrate eating quality solutions for meat industry clients around the world ..Dr Rod Polkinghorne OAM
Our Services
Research & Development
Project Management
Trial Design
Consumer Sensory Research
EQ Data Analysis
Quality Prediction Modelling
Collaborative International Research

Capability Development
Customized Programs to support staff in EQ
Mentoring young people within projects
Support for Post-Grad. Meat Science Research
International Collaboration

Industry Development
Collaboration with industry leaders, experts and scientists to develop strategy and policy for the meat industry worldwide

Strategic Planning
Analysis of Current Product Quality
Branding Strategies
EQ Implementation Plans

Application of EQ principles to value-added products
Trial design and implementation in collaboration with global experts

Program Design & Facilitation
Transition to Value Based Marketing (VBM)
EQ Brands
EQ Optimisation

EQ Software & Licensing
Customization of EQ software to underpin branding strategies